An Introduction:
The South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE) and Mentoring 4 Success (M4S) have partnered to reframe the candidacy journey to professional registration across the South African Built Environment through the creation of ‘MASELULEKANE’, a nation-building Candidacy Mentoring and Support Programme.
M4S proudly offers this program in an exclusive partnership with the SA Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE) and in close collaboration with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA).
Unique participant benefits:
Aligned to your discipline and to your own personal candidacy journey and progress
Enabled with a career long digital learning App that plans, monitors and prompts you
Ensures an experience that combines goals, capabilities, journals, presentations and insights
Provides mentoring on-demand with personalised evidence-based learning records
Caters for all disciplines across the Built Environment – engineers, quantity surveyors, architects, project managers, construction managers, town planners, natural scientists etc
Recognised by SARS, CETA, B-BBEE Verification Agencies and Built Environment Professional Bodies offering organisational benefits for Code 400 ESD spend and Code 500 SED B-BBEE donations
B-BBEE Compliant as an accredited DTI Skills Matrix “Category C” Candidacy Mentoring Program under Code 300
Inkaba Knowledge Mentoring Academy NPC/PBO
The Inkaba Knowledge Mentoring Academy NPC/PBO/NPO is the “Main Services Provider” (MSP) that uses its Social Impact and Public Benefits structuring to organise, implement and manage the MASELULEKANE program in collaboration with the South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE) and other key stakeholders.
·NPC Registration No: 2016/541984/08
·PBO Registration No: 930057061
·NPO Registration No. PENDING
MASELULEKANE commenced in 2023 offering a flexible 12-month to 60-month Candidacy Mentoring and Support solution to create accelerate professional development and create meaningful career opportunities for thousands of young graduates. We invite you to join us in being part of this exciting journey!