A structured social learning and personal career optimisation initiative focused on global gender equality in Knowledge Management
The Inkaba Knowledge Mentoring Academy NPC / PBO is a Not for Profit Company (NPC) and Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) (NPC Registration Number 2016/541984/08 / PBO Number: 930057061) with the mandate to provide quality sponsored mentoring and development solutions to corporate client’s and other appropriate organisations in order to address their B-BBEE Enterprise and Supplier Development (Code 400) needs.
The Inkaba Knowledge Mentoring Academy NPC / PBO is a Not for Profit Company (NPC) and Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) (NPC Registration Number 2016/541984/08 / PBO Number: 930057061) with the mandate to provide quality sponsored mentoring and development solutions to corporate client’s and other appropriate organisations in order to address their B-BBEE Enterprise and Supplier Development (Code 400) needs.