Thomas Mkune
Main Area(s) of Career Experience
Civil Engineering (Transportation)
Years of Work Experience:
Tom is a highly innovative & organized leader with proven management skills, including the ability to motivate & lead multi-disciplined teams.
He is goal orientated through team effort, has strong strategic planning & negotiating skills & an analytical mind with a broad range of practical management expertise to support decision-making processes. He is capable of managing a number of projects & tasks at the same time. He is well organized & therefore capable of creating efficient & effective systems, strategically minded, in particular with regard to resource utilization, sound business acumen & risk management skills.
He has a strong technical background in both the Civil & Construction disciplines.
Professional / Chartered Designation / Title:
Professional / Chartered Registration Number
Professional / Chartered Registration Date:
Voluntary Associations:(SAICE/ASAQS/SACAP etc.)
Current Status: (Associate / Member / Fellow / Retired etc)
Honorary Fellow
Qualification(s) Obtained:
MDipTech, GDE
University(s) Attended:
Technikon Natal, UKZN
Professional Engineering Technologist