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Ann Druce

Ann Druce

Main Area(s) of Career Experience


Years of Work Experience:


My focus is on marketing consulting, but before that I spent 15 years in marketing management for corporates including Unilever and Adcock Ingram before moving into advertising. I've worked across a range of industries including engineering, education, finance, healthcare, law, pharmaceuticals and personal care, delivering results for my clients and winning a couple of awards along the way.

Professional / Chartered Designation / Title:

Professional / Chartered Registration Number

N/A REg #

Professional / Chartered Registration Date:

N/A - Reg Date

Voluntary Associations:(SAICE/ASAQS/SACAP etc.)

N/A - VOl Ass

Current Status: (Associate / Member / Fellow / Retired etc)

N/A - Curr stat

Qualification(s) Obtained:

N/A - Qual Att

University(s) Attended:

University of KwaZulu-Natal
Kellogg School of Management,
Northwestern University

Marketing Strategist

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